5 Worst U.S. Presidents of All Time
Lyndon Johnson
Vice President Johnson took the oath right aboard the No. 1 presidential plane, a few hours after the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy, with whom he was traveling in the same convoy. It was Johnson who started the war in
Vietnam, which was protracted and ruinous for the USA, he has also sent troops into the Dominican Republic.
Because of this, his rating fell quite low, so much so that in 1968 he did not even run for the second term, but left for
a ranch in Texas and wrote memoirs until the end of his life.
Zachary Taylor
The 12th President of the United States, Taylor, was not the most disastrous president in the world ... It was just that
no one remembered what he had done in general. Taylor was not interested in politics as much as the president of a
rather young power could afford, and was naive on the verge of cretinism. When he was still in the military, he
rarely wore a military uniform, and colleagues once tried to send him to dig a trench, mistaken for an ordinary
peasant. Taylor could have gone lower in our list, but the destiny chose otherwise: in 1850 he died after having been
president for just over a year.
Franklin Pierce
Despite such an enviable quality for any politician, such as the ability to speak without notes, an alcoholic and an
avid supporter of American expansion, Pierce did not become a successful president. When the party of slaveowners in the Congress demanded the territorial expansion of the United States, Pierce did not object, and with joy
began sending out soldiers left and right. As for other failures of Pierce, he tried to take away Cuba from Spain and
he also supported and finance the dictatorship in Nicaragua. When he left his post in 1857, only his dictator friend
shed a tear for him.
Richard Nixon
Nixon might not have entered this list if it were not for the Watergate scandal. In general, the 31st President of the
United States was not that awful: he established relations with China, concluded a couple of important agreements
with the USSR, made the Cold War a bit easier, and began slowly withdrawing American troops from Vietnam. But
when journalists found out that the president was involved in the installation of bugs for wiretapping competitors at
the Watergate Hotel, the shame was inevitable. Nixon had to resign - he was the first and last leader of the United
States, who decided to do this.
Ulysses Grant
The commander of the northerners during the Civil War, Grant proved to his descendants that being a good warrior
does not mean to be a good president. Bribery and corruption in America under Grant reached unimaginably high
levels. But the president successfully eradicated unemployment among his relatives, getting jobs for more than 40 of
his cousins, uncles, and second cousins for public office, and also doubled his salary by one stroke of the pen. As a
true military man, Grant did not know what diplomacy is and therefore his attempts to unite the North with the
South after the war did not have much success.