This article was originally published on on June 27, 2012.
Rupert Murdoch Anti-Romney Tweet
Over the weekend on Sunday June 24th Rupert Murdoch the owner of NEWSCORP which is the parent company of Fox ‘News’ and all of its affiliates tweeted his dissatisfaction with Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney.
Murdoch said, “When is Romney going to look like a challenger? Seems to play everything safe, makes no news except burn off Hispanics.”
This tweet is telling and has implications for the presidential contest in November. If the owner of Fox is not confident with the candidacy of Mitt Romney and is willing to acknowledge that publicly there is truly an image problem. A steadfast rule of the right wing is to admit no fault and to show no weakness in public so it is quite surprising — and rather refreshing I might add — to read Murdoch musing about something people on the left have been saying all along. Mitt Romney is not a real candidate.
The recent comment by Murdoch is just a blurb in an ongoing sensationalized news trend which sees him bounce in and out of the headlines weekly with new information about NEWSCORP’S scandalous cell phone hacking tirade. Perhaps, however, Mr. Murdoch is the one who will receive the last laugh as his company has gained $5 billion in net worth since the scandal began.
Interested persons may view an hour long PBS documentary about the scandal here.