Kentucky church to give away 25 guns for free

Come down one and all to the Lone Oak First Baptist Church located in Paducah, Kentucky, where 25 firearms will be given away for free. Even children are allowed to place their name in the drawing for a weapon.  This is a tax-exempt organization giving the weapons away, mind you.

The event is touted as a ‘Second Amendment Celebration’ with the ‘purpose to point people to Christ.’  From the church’s website:

Our nation’s founders provided for our freedom to worship as we choose and our freedom to protect and provide for ourselves and our families.

The Second Amendment Celebration (formerly Beast Feast) recognizes the rights and responsibilities of those freedoms while celebrating both through appreciation of the outdoors and God’s provisions with the purpose to point people to Christ.

The celebration is slated to begin at 5 p.m. on March 6.  A free steak dinner is to be offered on a first come, first serve basis to the first 1,000 individuals in line.  After the community meal is served, the real fun will begin with the gun giveaway:

  A variety of hand guns, long guns and shotguns have been donated as prizes for the event.

Children are also allowed to get in on the fun, without a stipulated minimum age requirement:

 If an award winner is under 18 year old, the award will be given to a parent or legal guardian.

By holding this event it is arguable that Lone Oak First Baptist Church is in violation of the federal tax code, specifically the 501 (c) prohibition, known as Johnson Amendment of 1954, which precludes tax-exempt organizations from engaging in politics.