Teens randomly assault strangers on street in new game called “knockout”

The degradation of America’s social society continues with the advent of a popular ‘game’ amongst inner-city teens known as, “knockout.”  The rules to the game are simple; find an unsuspecting person, and punch them in the face.  If they fall down, unconscious, the attacker wins.  One interviewee on the street describes the scenario, “It’s just more like, um, picking a target that is alone, defenseless.  They just go ‘boom’ when it’s the right time and the right place.”

Teens who are involved with this activity are remorseless, with zero regard for the health and well being of the victim. One teen happily describes knockout:

You just knock em out.  You hit ‘em with a blow, and you take their belongings.

Another teen is asked on camera, “What’s the point?”  He replied, “For the fun of it.”

A concerned citizen elaborates on this disgusting behavior, “It could be anybody.  It could be a mother with her children.”  He went on to say, “It’s a macho thing.”

One of the earliest reports of ‘knockout’ violence came in 2011 when a man was convicted of murder and assault after attacking a 72-year-old man and his 62-year-old wife.  The wife lived to identify her attacker, but her husband did not.

This type of random assault is gaining in popularity, and incidents have been reported around the U.S.