Oil spills are good for the economy, says oil company



Oils spills are good for the economy, didn't you know?

Oils spills are good for the economy, didn’t you know?

Kinder Morgan is a American based energy company which owns 82,000 miles of pipelines that transport natural gas, crude oil, and other petroleum products.  The organization is in the national spotlight after Rachel Maddow reported that a section of Kinder Morgan’s 15,000 page application, to the National Energy Board to expand the size of their pipeline, claimed oil spills are good for the economy.

Why would a billion dollar corporation that is aware of possible public backlash make such a statement?  Kinder Morgan was required to do so as part of a requirement to analyze the positive and negative effects of a possible oil spill.  After receiving a flurry of criticism Kinder Morgan president Ian Anderson said:

Let me be clear.  No spill is acceptable to me anywhere, any time, for any reason. Spills are not good for anyone. Period.