Elderly couple obliviously stalked by bear



An elderly Scottish couple on vacation in California, Bob and Rene McKeown, had a chance encounter with a brown bear who was nosing around their rental home.  A closed circuit television recording captured the extraordinary footage of the McKeowns walking out of the home, talking, and even glancing in the direction of the bear while not noticing the animal.  The video then shows the couple walking off, which is when Bob says he felt ‘something brush his leg.’  Bob is then seen on video again desperately attempting to get inside the home, but in his excited state he found turning the keys difficult.

Animal control authorities were called and the McKeowns escaped injury beyond a scraped leg for Bob and some playful ribbing from friends and family.  Rene said, “Our friends keep saying ‘How did you not see it?’ We just weren’t looking.”


Original raw footage:


BBC coverage: